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Art about Art – The OUBEY MINDKISS Space of Resonance is growing

On the occasion of the 7th stopover of the OUBEY Global Encounter Tour on 18 December 2015 over 50 artists from Kampala and further afield came together for an experimental workshop to express the associations aroused in them when viewing OUBEYs paintings by painting themselves. Host of this happening was the Naganda Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD).

Three of the paintings inspired by OUBEYs art will now be included in the Global Encounter Tour.

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Our warmest thanks go to all those who took part in the session. Special thanks to Annabelle (piece at left), Kiffe and  Eirik Jarl Trondsen (piece in the middle) and Dr. Bruno Sserunkuuma (piece at right) for donating their works to the OUBEY MINDKISS Project.

