Thoughts & Insights

Revealing a New Way of Seeing …

…. is the title of an interview with the architect Indy Johar, cofounder of 00:/ (zero zero), which was published in the latest special issue of the “we_magazine” on the topic of “we and the arts”.

OUBEYs thinking and his arts form the main thought content for this special issue, asking various people, from different backgrounds, unusual questions on the topic of Arts, allowing them to give their own very personal answer.


Amongst these are Peter Weibel ( Director of ZKM/Center for Art and media Karlsruhe, the Institute for New Media in Frankfurt and the Ars Electronica Linz), Prof. Peter Kruse (Internet-Expert, managing Partner of nextpractice and honorary professor at the University of Bremen), Peter Brook (Theater and film director and innovator, founder of the international Centre for Theatre Research, now based in Paris), accompanied by Ulrike Reinhard (WE magazine) and Justus Bruns (Co-founder of „Times Square to Art Square“ project in New York).

You can find the complete magazine with all contributions online.

