Encounter 25

Dr. Kizito Maria Kasule

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90 X 90

Dr. Kizito Maria Kasule is an artist. He’s co-founder and director of the Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD) Kampala and also teaches at the Makarere College in Kampala.

When I first met him in July 2015 on the Campus in Kampala, both of us realised pretty quickly that we shared a marvellously broad common understanding about what OUBEYs art work meant to us. And when he asked me if I could imagine the next stopover of the Global Tour in Uganda not just as a presentation of pictures and Encounter Videos but also as an interactive experience (happening??) in which people from Uganda expressed their encounter with OUBEYs pictures in nonverbal resonance through the medium of art, I was immediately thrilled.

The workshop which actually came to fruition in December 2015 as a result of this first idea was a unique experience of a very special kind. In it nearly every conceivable boundary was crossed with an astonishing lightness and spontaneity.

And it was an especial pleasure for me that Dr. Kizito Kasule declared his readiness to make his own Encounter with a painting by OUBEY thitherto unknown to him.

Here is the voice of an artist who has done – and still continues to do – great things in and for art and culture in Uganda talking about his thoughts and associations on first viewing a painting by OUBEY that has never been shown before.

If you would like to discover more about the highly intense experiences made by “OUBEY in Africa”, click here to view the video documentary of the same name.

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