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The OUBEY MINDKISS universe is expanding and extending its sphere of activity. In December of this year the 6th stopover of the OUBEY Global Encounter Tour will be in Uganda.
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Last week‘s first exploratory visit showed that our partners at the NIAAD, Makarere College and the local Affirmative Art project are not only tremendously enthusiastic about collaborating with us but also have a deep understanding of the multilayered nature of OUBEYs art, of OUBEYs attitude to life and work and of the basic ideas underpinning the OUBEY MINDKISS Project. And of course their work is as interesting for us as ours is for them.

Find out more about the pillars of the Affirmative Art project in this PREZI. For more pics of this journey to Uganda please visit us on Facebook, Google+ or @oubeymindkiss on Instagram.
The success of a “subproject” like this next stopover of the Global Tour in Uganda with all the conceptual – and in this case logistical! – challenges it involves, is absolutely reliant on the good will and personal dedication of people on the ground who have the deep commitment and the skills needed to bring it to fruition. These are the very people we have found.

From right to left: Kizito Maria Kasule, Dagmar Woyde-Koehler, Eirik Jarl Trondsen, Bruno Sserunkuuma
We are looking forward eagerly to working together in this Fantastic Four team and will do our level best to unleash the full potential of this next stopover of the Global Encounter Tour and make it what it can be: a truly unique, enriching intercultural adventure for all of us – with an open outcome.