Encounter 4

Liz Howard

Stürzender Engel

The power of her voice and her physical presence is tremendous. Liz Howard is a mezzo- soprano and self-proclaimed “sound healer” with a deep love of gospel and soul. In her “Soulfood” seminars and workshops, she teaches people how to rediscover their voice as an expression of their personality and how to use it consciously.

She offers special coaching for women and also dedicates her latest book to them which will be published in 2012: When Eve Tossed Apples – Soulfood for Women (Als Eva noch mit Äpfeln warf – Soulfood für Frauen).

Her intimate feeling for music and her intense emotional power were the reasons why Liz Howard was invited to encounter OUBEY. Because both these aspects were essential to OUBEY’s thinking and creative approach – quite apart from any intellectual ideas that might be found in his art.

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