Thoughts & Insights


Recently, someone asked me why I write so much about all kinds of issues instead of telling more about my experiences concerning the MINDKISS project or my personal thoughts on OUBEYs images.

OUBEY himself layed the path for my answer, stating: “My art simply reflects the joy of insight“. The MINDKISS project follows this track. It sends impulses, opens doors, initiates encounters and makes new discoveries possible – triggered by OUBEYs art and its spirit. Anyone can take a walk on the wild side of this terrain, discovering the habitat where OUBEYs mind was at home, just for the joy of finding, as I enjoy doing, too. That’s what I call the MINDKISS track.

Further, the encounter videos of individuals with OUBEYs pictures, which I publish online, follow the MINDKISS track, too. They open up surprising perspectives, and new ways of thinking – moments of discovery for all who partake. The whole thing is like an ever growing puzzle, its parts composing different pictures in every mind, not following a defined set of patterns.

encounter1 encounter2 encounter3 encounter4
encounter5 encounter6 encounter7 encounter8
encounter9 encounter10 encounter11 encounter12
Pieces of a puzzle:Twelve encounter videos are already online.

If you like OUBEY and his art, you may also be interested in monads, strings and quanta, prototypical space colonies and (under)water worlds, Perry Rhodan, Prigogine, Tschaikowsky and Stanley Kubrick, in waves, rays and sounds, and alot more of these topics, which I write about on OUBEYs blog. Therein, similar to the encounter videos, a part of the primal ground can be found, where OUBEYs art derives from. To enable this, I consider to be part of my role in this project.

Of course I still enjoy writing about my experiences within the MINDKISS project every now and then. Perhaps I will do so again soon, as I will be going on another “encounters tour“ with some of OUBEYs originals. But in the end, I enjoy writing about the topics that OUBEY and I, too, always found to be most interesting and amazing, because they entwine his art with the cosmos, and thereby with all of us, too. From the comments received on OUBEYs blog, I know that some of you have come up with very own findings, and do enjoy this a lot. That is why I like to write the blog as I do.

